Opening hours & Admission

From 1.2.2025
Tue–Fri 11-18
Sat–Su 10-17
Mon Closed
Adults 10 €
Pensioners, unemployed, conscripts and non-military conscripts 6 €
Under 18-year-olds and students 0 €
Group discounts: adults (min. 10 persons) 9 €
Free admission:
Under 18-year olds and students, Museum Card, ICOM Card, Assistants for people with disabilities, Press Card, Artists, Friends of Satakunta Museum, Members of Pori Opaskilta ry, Culture Recipe.
The Poriginal openings are open to the public on Friday, 28th March | 16th May | 11th July | 12th September | 7th November from 18–20, with free admission to all the museum’s exhibitions.
Pay What You Want Days on 19th April and 18th June
In the City of Pori’s cultural and sports services, it is up to the customer to decide the price of their entrance fee.
Guidance in simplified Finnish will be provided on the Pay What You Like days:
Sat 19th April at 15.30
Wed 18th June at 16.30
International Museum Day on Sunday 18.5.
Free admission to the Art Museum.
Museum Key
Pori Museums’ common card for communities: 220 € / calendar year
More information and bookings:
Tue–Fri: 11–18: 70 € + entrance fees
Sat–Sun: 120 € + entrance fees
Max. number of persons on guided tours 25 persons/guide.